Kochi Factory 3

Kochi Factory 3
Kochi Factory 3
Kochi Factory 3 is the largest factory of GIKEN in Japan and was established as a base for accelerating product development for global expansion.

Kochi Factory 3

The factory responds to developing, prototyping, and verifying large-scale products, which have become the leading products in recent years. (Building area: 3,516 m2)

For the first time in Japan, the tubular pile rotary cutting press-in method “Gyropress Method™” was adopted for the foundation of the buildings, and 54 tubular piles (pile length: 15.0 to 15.8 m) were installed.


Tubular pile foundation built with Gyropress Method™

Pile diameterφ800 - 1000 mm
Pile length15.0 - 15.8 m
No. of piles54 piles
Pile distance7.0 m
GYRO PILER™ F401-G1200 and Gyropress Method with an attachment that allows the machine to move independently on the ground.
[JP Patent No.: 6523867]